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We are climate neutral in office operation

We want to be a sustainable company on all levels. It is therefore our goal to be climate neutral in office operation by 2021.

As part of OBOS Block Watne's strategy to be a sustainable company on all levels, it is important that our own office operation is climate neutral. This entails us working actively to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in all Block Watne buildings and implement sustainable solutions instead. 

Guarantees of origin and renewable energy

Power consumption at our head office at Hammersborg Torg 3 in Oslo is covered by guarantees of origin. We will continue along these lines for other premises used by OBOS Block Watne in 2020. The purchase of climate quotas for Block Watne’s operations has been planned for 2021.

All construction sites also focus on source separation – container signs

Source separation and reduction of food waste

Our head office places great emphasis internally on source separation. We also want to participate in combating food waste by reducing our own food waste. One way of achieving this is by making it possible for employees to purchase surplus food. We also continuously focus on reducing water consumption.

Electric cars for employees

We want to offer sustainable transport options to our employees. They are invited to borrow electric cars, and we are installing more charging stations for electric cars at our offices. We have also reduced the number of parking places for employees and encourage them to use either electric cars or public transport.

The road ahead

Becoming climate neutral in office operation means that we promote sustainable solutions in everything from energy consumption and source separation to food waste and transport. We work actively to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as develop new solutions for a more sustainable future. This is how we will reach our goal of 100% climate-neutral office operation by 2021.

Our work on the UN's sustainability goal no. 7:

The goal concerns:

“Secure access to reliable, sustainable and modern energy at a reasonable price for everyone”

What we do:

OBOS Block Watne works actively to ensure that its own premises as well as all new housing projects throughout Norway are supplied by clean energy.

Our work on the UN's sustainability goal no. 9:

The goal concerns:

“Build solid infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and contribute to innovation.”

What we do:

OBOS Block Watne has a strong focus on innovation and on identifying new, sustainable solutions for achieving its goal of climate-neutral office operation.